In the heart of the Kootenays

232 14th Ave. North, Cranbrook, B.C. Valerie Sawyer To contact phone or text: 250-919-5343 or email:

232 14th Avenue North, Cranbrook.

232 14th Avenue North, Cranbrook.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Well, I’m officially on to other things.

It took me a long time but I’m ready to admit I don’t make pottery anymore. I’ve just been so busy doing other things that I haven’t found the time to update this blog. I’m enjoying getting back to pushing paint around and my jewellery making stuff has been dusted off. Currently involved in an absolutely delightful 10 week writing course that I’ll hate to see come to an end.

So, for anyone who found this blog because you were looking for pottery, sorry to disappoint. I’ve decided to leave it up and carry on. Now that I’ve had a bit of time to mull I’m pretty sure I’m ready to actively update. See ya later.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First day of Spring

Been back in the shop for a while now but today it really is the first day of spring. The snow is falling, but that's cool (pun intended). It still feels good to know that the days are longer than the nights and there's more to come.

Out to the shop to trim butter dishes in a few minutes and the mugs are on the drying racks. Out (or nearly out) of both so, for those of you looking I'm on it.

The shed is open most days. As usual, give me a call if you want to be sure I'm here. Otherwise, just stop by and take your chances.

Have a great spring. Happy gardening.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

She's Back !!!

Well, it looks like I just needed a break. Back in the studio and absolutely loving it. Will be posting some new pictures soon. In the meantime, stop by and check out what's going on around here. Hope everyone faired well through the winter. I know it's not really spring but it's all about how you're feeling and I'm feeling like a capital S Spring is right around the corner.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

In a state of flux

Yes, I am, in a state of flux. A general statement to the general public, an inside joke to my fellow potters. All together now, 'Yuk yuk yuk...'

I'm not sure at this point if I'm in need of a break or I'm quitting this gig but I'm leaving this site up as a general invitation to call if you are actually in the market for something and we'll see where I'm 'at' at that moment.

Took the signs down. Feels good so far. People still drop by but I don't spend a lot of time on explanations or listening to stories of childhood experiences. Perfect visitor for my present mood just left with a bagful of mugs. No muss, no fuss. Definitely no 'can you make me a mug that's about this high with a lip that goes like this in a glaze you don't use but looks just like the one I broke that my friend bought me toward the end of the last century.' Sigh...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Selling my Northstar slab roller

I'm selling my slab roller is anyone is interested. I've really enjoyed it but now I want the space more than the roller. It sure is fun to have in the studio though. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Well,  I did it. I finally disconnected my landline. Really, the only calls I got on it anymore were from people wanting to clean my carpet for Free! Yeah, right.

Okay, I'm exagerating but we all know I have a tendancy. The point is, this is easier. Much easier. Just letting you know. If you want to get in touch you can still do it. You can even text. ie, 'will you be around tomorrow about 2.'

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Watch your step.

As I've said before, pottery lovers are the best. My porch project that was going to take a couple of weeks is well into week four. Visitors to the studio, both those familiar with my antics and newcomers, have been weaving their way through a mini construction zone with a smile. I really appreciate that.

Almost done. Floor went down yesterday. I heart you all.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

It's official

It's official. Men not only like to ask for direction, they don't take subtle instruction well, either. The pottery shed door is, well, let's say, less than typical height. After the first time a tall person whacked their head on the frame I hung a classic rubber duck where you couldn't miss it as you're leaving. DUCK, right. 

Well, tall women get it, it seems. Men often get rather annoyed that this thing is hanging in front of their face, push it aside, and whack their head on the door frame.

However, bless their hearts, they've got a lot going for them. Usually they're buying a piece of pottery as a gift for a woman in their lives.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It must be summer.

It was busy around the studio last month with the most delightful people dropping by for grad gifts, wedding presents and such. I know I wouldn't have been potting for forty plus years if it weren't for the fact that pottery lovers are the best. And it's so great when people who have been driving by for years make their way in the door. They express such delight and surprise. Like, what did they think was going on behind the pottery sign? And sometimes, of course, it's someone I know somewhat. The clerk from a store I shop in, a library worker, that sort of thing. That's always fun.
             My pace is such, now, that until I'm getting really low on something I don't get 'it' in gear. The lady who bought the last of the mugs yesterday spurred me on to get the kiln loaded up. So, off to pull some weeds because tomorrow I'll be up to my elbows in the glaze buckets. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sponge Bob, tool holder

It's a little thing but one I don't know what I'd do without. Those big sponges, usually, what's that called, dogbone shaped? They make a great place to store the tools you use when throwing. The cheap ones are the best. Easy to punch holes in for flutes, sponge-on-a-stick, and of course the pin tools. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

tip for fellow potters

In any of the dollar stores you can find small round sponges on a stick. I think they're called dobbers. Don't know what they are intended for but if you drill a hole in the wooden handle and stick a piece of dowel in there, you have the greatest tool for sponging out the bottom of your bottle shapes. Really beats any of the alternatives i've used over the years.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Answers to questions from other potters

Just had an email from a new potter that made me realize it might be a good idea to add a few tips from time to time. AND by all means, if you're wondering about something feel free to ask.
So, if you are making an urn for cremation ashes and wonder if it's the right size? If it holds one and a half litres of water, you're right on the mark.

Friday, July 16, 2010

My customers are simply the best

It's been a busy time around the pottery shed. Wedding bells are ringing all over the Columbia Basin apparently.

I've been renovating my kitchen and there are cords and boards, tables and cables, pails of nails, all over the yard but having made their way through the mini construction site which is my backyard the pottery lovers around here only have great things to say. They comment on the flowers and never the weeds. Bless 'em all.
Oh, not the flowers or the weeds. I'm talking about the folks here. Glad I don't take myself too seriously when I say it's time to retire. Ha.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

No time to quit

When people have had the same job for 40 years, a job away from home, someone tells them it's time to quit, maybe throws a retirement do, at least says, in some way or other, "Go home and don't come back."
If you've been heading out to some version of a shed in the backyard for 40 years, and you still have a shed in the backyard, it's harder to decide when to quit. I'll start thinking it only make sense to just stop. Not stop thinking, stop potting. Almost out of clay, glaze barrels are low, gardening under way for the season. All kinds of good reasons and then Brenda drops by and is relieved that she can replace the coffee mug she dropped a while ago and coffee just hasn't been the same without it. Mary dropped by  with her son and daughter-in-law and her mother, Diane, visiting from Calgary. It was a lovely visit as is so often (most often) the case. Diane takes away a gorgeous, if I do say so, set of simplicity bowls and my heart sings to see her hug them as they all walk back through the garden. And so it goes. Earla picks up her dinner plates, has a cup of coffee and I make plans to go get more clay and make glazes. Ya gotta love it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A delightful young woman stopped by the shed this morning while I was pruning (some would say butchering) my apple tree. She had a mixing bowl tucked under her arm. She wanted, or rather her brother wanted, one just like it. I was grateful for another opportunity to mull over my current version of who I am and what I do. Let's face it, for most of us it matters diddly to the world at large BUT it's not a bad idea to check in on a personal level once in a while. So, here's the latest. Turns out I really do just want to make what I make and do what I do. That just wasn't an option earlier in my life. Hey, when I was thirty with a nine year old boy to raise if someone wanted me to make a bowl 'just like this one' while standing on my head in the dark I'd give it a shot. Now, not so much. Staying current and lovin' it. And adding new things into the mix. Like pruning an apple tree.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Delightful visitors

Who doesn't love having someone drop by who delights you with their presence then leaves a pleasant vibe behind. That happens a lot around here, which is why I'm into my fourth decade. Two women from a town on the Alberta-Saskatchewan border stopped by the other day. They are on their way to becoming potters and had such open hearts and minds, soaking up the details of a humble backyard pottery. They could write a book, or at least a pamphlet, on how to visit a working studio. Thanks for your participation in a great afternoon, Lois and Deb from Lloyd.